Of course with The Lifestyle Workplace offering you would not expect us to offer a one-size fits all package, would y
ou? Of course not – so we have tailored three separate packages that offer different degrees of functionality. We are not going to list what each package consists of because technology is changing so fast that we adapt the best of breed that is available at the time of engagement.
Here’s an idea of what TLW packages offer:
TCO – The Complete Office:
Self sufficient with heating, cooling, electricity, phone, internet, water, etc. A fully outfitted & serviced office that can be dropped anywhere in the world.
OTG – On the Go:
Does your paying work take you all over the place? When you finish your installs or business tasks do you have to run back to the “home” office to take care of non-paying work such as reports, correspondence, expenses, payroll, download files, website maintenance, etc? OTG handles all of the office chores including infrastructure. Here’s just a few of the many features:
- Phone service –this is a system that will give your business a professional image and your customers will either be greeted with an auto attendant or a live person answering.
- Social media management – Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Youtube regular updates on your behalf
- Manage email – emails with customer inquiries, questions, service issues will be attended to promptly
- Secure backup of your files – if your computer crashes or you drop your laptop what happens to your business if your files can’t be recovered?
- Security software – unfortunately virus attacks and hacking are a fact of life today for business and it’s important to be up to date
- Everywhere access to your files – now you won’t have to go home to find that file!
- Manage inbound calls – someone that will answer your calls and react according to your directions/requirements
- CSR functions – someone handling your customer service calls or at least sorting through what needs your personal attention
- Create quotations – based on your input
- Send out quotes after approval
- Manage on-line chat from website – one feature on your new website will be an online chat function and this is another way to keep in touch with prospective customers and existing customers for sales and support
- Do website updates – content & pictures – Comments will be coming in for your new website and they need to be gone over. Also dead web is a bad thing so content updates, success stories, information, sales, promotions, before & after pictures, site pictures can all be added to your website to keep it fresh and engaging for return visits
- Send out reminders for supplies – this is an ongoing revenue stream and having someone take care of it for you, will ensure that your customers don’t have to go looking elsewhere for their supplies
- No need to supply computers or infrastructure – just another thing you won’t have to worry about!
ODA – On-Demand Access
- Access to office productivity software & files
- Access email
- Access to corporate servers
- Role based customized access
Find out more and do you qualify?